Mole Removal

Ready for 2020?


New Year’s resolutions are a tradition in which one resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired habit or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal, or improve their life in any shape or form. The beginning of the year seems like a natural time to make resolutions. It’s a fresh start, a clean slate. Motivation [...]

Ready for 2020?2020-01-06T20:19:22+00:00

New Year, New Skin


Face Masks There is a widely accepted trend today of using face masks for various health purposes. This trend is not only a good habit but also can help the skin look its best. Face masks are convenient and helpful because although there are various skin types there are also multiple types of face masks [...]

New Year, New Skin2020-01-06T19:33:04+00:00

Skincare Routine- Winter Edition


As winter rolls around we naturally change our wardrobe. We swap in the shorts for pants, denim jackets for coats, and sandals for boots. So, if we change our wardrobe according to the season, why shouldn't we do the same for our skincare routine?  With the cold weather, our skin naturally becomes drier than usual. [...]

Skincare Routine- Winter Edition2019-12-26T19:49:46+00:00

Men’s Health: Check-Ups


Studies and research have shown that, on average around the globe, men tend to die at an earlier age as compared to women. There has also been studies done that show how men are less likely to utilize healthcare providers. Whatever the reason may be, we all need to prioritize ourselves and make time to [...]

Men’s Health: Check-Ups2019-12-17T21:57:02+00:00

Women’s Health: Check-Ups


Every woman should make time for herself and prioritize her health and well-being. This can be as simple as exercising, having a regular sleep schedule, and having a balanced diet. There are some crucial extra steps every woman should take when they are able. These include specific doctor’s appointments at certain ages to make sure [...]

Women’s Health: Check-Ups2019-12-12T20:43:40+00:00

Women’s Health: Vitamins


Taking vitamins or not is really an individual choice. When deciding if vitamins are the best option for you, it is crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before taking anything. Everyone is different and has different levels of health. You have to take into consideration your medical problems or any medications you might be [...]

Women’s Health: Vitamins2019-12-12T00:19:17+00:00

Meditation: A Form of Self- Care


As you may have noticed from past blogs, we are big advocates on self-care. Life can be overwhelming at instances and it is important to prioritize our health and overall well being.  So, what exactly is self-care? Self-care is an activity that an individual enjoys that improves their mental, emotional, or physical health. It is [...]

Meditation: A Form of Self- Care2019-12-05T21:37:17+00:00

Prioritize Yourself


Work, social life, school, sleep, food, how does one balance it all? Time management and online calendars with alerts can help, but sometimes time needs to be taken out to be able to take care of oneself. Self-care is so important nowadays and as one gets older and has more responsibilities. Life can get to [...]

Prioritize Yourself2019-12-03T19:14:05+00:00

Different Ways to Effectively Remove Moles


Moles are usually harmless and don't require any kind of treatment. However, mole removal is a very popular treatment that many seek out. Some patients decide to remove their mole because of the pain and discomfort it can cause in their everyday life. Other patients decide to remove their mole for cosmetic reasons.Whatever the reason [...]

Different Ways to Effectively Remove Moles2019-11-26T23:49:48+00:00

Grateful for paramedics 


Grateful for paramedics  With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we wanted to take this time to give a special thanks to all the paramedics out there! A paramedic is a healthcare professional who provides emergency treatment, including advanced life support, to those in urgent situations. Paramedics are responsible for show up quickly to wherever their [...]

Grateful for paramedics 2019-11-22T20:46:28+00:00
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