Our Blog

Fun Activities For The Spring Time

With the arrival of spring just around the corner we decided to dedicate this blog to fun activities for this beautiful season! Being Los Angeles natives, we know that spending an afternoon outside, exploring Southern California is a must during spring. We must take advantage of the beautiful hiking trails, the sandy beaches, the seaside [...]

Fun Activities For The Spring Time2021-03-09T22:14:34+00:00

House Plants for a Slice of Spring

Happy Spring! As we enter a new month and new season, this can be the perfect time to start fresh and bring some new life into your place. You can do this by buying and planting succulents or other small house plants. Most house plants are easy to take care of, even for the novice [...]

House Plants for a Slice of Spring2021-03-02T21:38:47+00:00

Tips for a Cozy Workspace

Even though we specialize in mole and skin tag removal, we always promote healthy lifestyles and positive mental health. We believe that having a productive workspace can make a world of difference in your day-to-day work life. From simply decluttering your area to having a small plant, all these things can help you feel more [...]

Tips for a Cozy Workspace2021-01-18T19:19:39+00:00

Easy and Healthy Meals

Looking for quick and healthy meals to add to your weekly menus? Caring for yourself begins on the inside by eating well-balanced meals and drinking plenty of water. This can be as easy as making a smoothie twice a week, adding extra vegetables to your meals, or making sure you drink an extra glass of [...]

Easy and Healthy Meals2021-01-12T20:41:48+00:00

Tips to Stay Safe During the Holiday Season

With the holidays quickly approaching, we simply want to extend some tips to help you and your loved ones stay safe this holiday season. It is no debate that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted just about everything this year, and unfortunately, this winter was not spared. That does not mean that families and friends cannot [...]

Tips to Stay Safe During the Holiday Season2020-12-14T17:41:38+00:00

¡Formas Diferentes Para Eliminar Los Lunares Efectivamente!

Los lunares suelen ser inofensivos y no requieren ningún tipo de tratamiento. Sin embargo, la eliminación de lunares es un tratamiento muy popular que muchos buscan. Algunos pacientes deciden quitarse el lunar por el dolor y las molestias que puede causar en su vida diaria. Otros pacientes deciden quitarse el lunar por razones estéticas. Cualquiera [...]

¡Formas Diferentes Para Eliminar Los Lunares Efectivamente!2020-11-27T20:19:18+00:00

Alimentos Saludables Para Piel Saludable

Aunque no todo el mundo tiene piel naturalmente brillante y sin imperfecciones, hay ciertos alimentos que se pueden incorporar a la dieta para promover una piel sana y la salud en general. Según la Clínica Mayo, los alimentos ricos en antioxidantes protegen la piel. Los alimentos ricos en azúcares procesados, carbohidratos y grasas dañan la [...]

Alimentos Saludables Para Piel Saludable2020-11-13T19:23:13+00:00

¿Puedo eliminar mi lunar en casa?

Los lunares generalmente se desarrollan en la infancia, pero pueden seguir desarrollándose hasta los 40 años. La mayoría de los adultos tienen entre 10 y 40 lunares en el cuerpo. Algunos pacientes deciden quitarse su lunar por el dolor y las molestias que puede causar en su vida diaria. Otros pacientes deciden quitarse el lunar [...]

¿Puedo eliminar mi lunar en casa?2020-10-23T18:07:32+00:00

Breast Cancer Awareness

Since October is breast cancer awareness month, we want to take a moment to encourage everyone to perform self-examinations monthly. These do not last long and are the best way at finding anything that could be wrong. You could even ask a friend, family member, or your significant other to perform them with you. This [...]

Breast Cancer Awareness2020-10-02T18:49:04+00:00

Keeping a Routine at Home

We understand that it can be difficult working from home instead of the usual office setting. There are more distractions at home but sometimes working from home allows you more flexibility and independence to set your own schedule. When working remotely it is important to keep a routine and stay active to keep your mind [...]

Keeping a Routine at Home2020-08-17T18:55:50+00:00
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