Skin Tags VS Moles
Skin tags are excess pieces of skin that hang off the skin and often grow in clusters on the body. They occur in at least 25% of adults and can keep developing with age. These growth are usually brown or beige and are attached to the rest of your skin by a thick stalk, which makes them appear raised. They can appear anywhere on the body, but are commonly found on the neck, upper chest, and underarms. Normally skin tags do not cause any pain but can become highly irritated if they rub or get caught on clothing, bedding or jewelry. Just like moles, skin tags are common and safe. Skin Tag removal is considered cosmetic unless it is infected or bleeding, which is highly uncommon. Removal of infected skin tags is a covered benefit under your health plan. Here at Mole Removal Los Angeles we also specialize in skin tag removal. We use a very similar treatment to remove them as when we remove moles. Unlike moles, skin tags have no cancerous potential. You do not have to worry about keeping an eye on them or getting them checked up.
Moles appear when cells grow together instead of spreading throughout the skin. Moles usually develop at childhood, but can keep developing until the age of 40. Most adults have anywhere between 10 to 40 moles on their bodies. Moles can develop anywhere on the body, they can be flat or raised, irregularly shaped, and dark colored. Although moles are extremely common and usually safe, it is important to keep an eye on them. Unlike skin tags, moles do have a cancerous potential. A mole can turn into melanoma. If it is left untreated, it can spread throughout the body. Each mole is different in size, shape, and location. Hence, each mole should be treated individually and with the highest care. As our patient you will always be given an in-depth examination to rule out cancer before mole removal treatments begin.