Many of us grew up with the misconception that acne is something you deal with during one’s teen years. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Hormonal acne is something that many of us struggle with during our adult life. It is a very common skin condition, especially for women. Statistically 25% of females over the age of 25, will suffer from hormonal acne. So, what causes hormonal acne? Hormonal acne is a direct response to what is going on inside one’s body and what is getting put on the skin. Hormonal acne is caused by many factors including, genetics, stress, foods, and environmental factors. Environmental factors can range from the type of products you are putting on your skin, the type of makeup you use, or the pollution level you are exposed to. This type of acne can also be a response from a fluctuation in the hormone cycle, such as testosterone and estrogen levels. While normal acne appears in the T- zone area of our face, hormonal acne affects the jawline area and cheeks. It is not the common zit that you can touch at and pop. It is a type of pimple that is deep inside the skin. If you try and pop hormonal acne you will be left with scarring. So, how does one treat hormonal acne? It can be frustrating and despairing to try and treat hormonal acne. This is because a main way this skin problem develops is in response to hormonal changes. Hormonal acne is more resistant to treatment and present differently compared to normal acne. However, it can be treated! If you are struggling with hormonal acne we recommend you go see a dermatologist. These experts will most likely check your hormone levels, prescribe topical products , or even medications. It is important you check the products you are currently putting on the skin. They can be inflaming your skin instead of healing it. Topicals such as, proactive or benzoyl peroxide can irritate the skin prone to hormonal acne. Cleaning up one’s diet can also be a big part of the solution. We know hormonal acne can be frustrating to deal with, but just remember that it is treatable! Take care of your skin, stress levels, and diet and go speak to an expert.