Are you located in the Glendale area? Do you have a mole or skin tag that is irritating your skin? Mole Removal Los Angeles is a medical clinic that specializes in mole removal procedures and skin tag removal procedures. Our team of medical assistants and surgeons are devoted to the treatment of mole removal and skin tag removal in Glendale. When you visit us you will always meet with the board-certified surgeon that performs the procedure at an initial consultation. During this consultation the surgeon will be able to assure that the mole or skin tag is safe to remove. They will also be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have. The health and confidence of our patient is of the utmost importance! Our mole removal Glendale procedure is easy and effective. The surgeon will use radio-fluency ablation to remove the mole or skin tag at the root. This method gives long-lasting results, the mole or skin tag will not grow back and you will not need to come back for additional sessions. Our method also provides a mole removal with minimal to no scarring (results may vary). You can find before and after pictures on our Instagram page and our website. Check out our YouTube Channel to see a video of our doctor explaining the Mole removal procedure. Give us a call if you need Mole Removal in Glendale, CA: (310) 737-8726
Learn About Mole Removal in Glendale, CA
We have three locations in the Los Angeles area. Our Sherman Oaks location is only a 25-minute drive from Glendale. Pricing varies on how big the mole is, where the mole is located and how many moles are being removed. During the initial consultation our medical team will give you a precise price breakdown, ranging between $400 – $900. We are currently offering a Summer Special, $50 off all mole removal and skin tag removal procedures! Call today to schedule your Mole Removal Glendale appointment! (310) 737-8726.